3 Hacks to Help You Get the Most Out of Your Gym Sesh
When you’re clocking longer hours, sleeping less and spending hours at home doing chores, few things are more precious to you than time. With such busy days, it’s challenging to spare a couple of hours to get your workout in. Working out helps in relieving stress, building muscle, maintaining a healthy weight and can dramatically improve your quality of life. We’ve compiled a list of expert tips that’ll help you get the most out of a short workout! Caffeinate Caffeine increases alertness and activates muscles. A go-to substance for many athletes, studies show a positive correlation between the use of caffeine and strength training. Believed to improve muscular endurance, drinking caffeine can actually help you hit more reps in the gym. Studies have shown that caffeine before exercise can increase the release of stored fat before and after the end of a workout. With so many benefits, having a quick cup of coffee before hitting the weights seems like a good decision. Car...